Friday, December 28, 2007

622 Visits From Craigslist Ad

Whoa! I must be doing something right. Yesterday I "successfully" posted 80 ads on Craigslist. As a direct result of those 80 ads, I had 622 people click through to my website. Out of those 622 people, I had 30+ people opt-in! Place 80 ads and get 30+ opt-ins? Wow! I never got that kind of return even when using Google Adwords.

Speaking of Google. Not only did I get 30+ opt-ins, but I also made $28.75 in Adsense revenue generated solely by those 80 ads placed on Craigslist. I think I'm starting to like this job. Okay, maybe it's not the holy grail of marketing, and I'm certainly not going to retire off of $28.75 per day.

However, it's the best I've done so far. And I'm trying to look at the bigger picture also. Remember, this is just from one day. Don't think for a second that this traffic and revenue ends today. It's residual. Remember the other day when I posted those 41 ads on Craigslist? Well, yesterday I still received over 100 visits to my site from those ads. And those ads generated Google Adsense income as well. This is in ADDITION to my 622 visitors, 30+ opt-ins, and $28.75 in Adsense revenue that I made yesterday!

No one has converted yet. Meaning, even though I have opt-ins, I have not sold a product or service yet. I'm trying, just no conversion yet. Once that starts happening, I'll be reporting on that as well.

Well, it's another day, and I think I'll post another 80 ads on Craigslist. I haven't figured out a system of rotating cities or categories yet. That's the next step. So for now, I'll be posting in the same cities and same categories as I did yesterday. It will be interesting to see if I get the same results today, as I did yesterday.

Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...