Monday, December 31, 2007

Results from Non-Hyperlink CL Ad

The last couple days have been tough getting ads posted on Craigslist and getting them to stick. I've talked to a few other people and they have been having the same problem that I have scene. Craigslist is dynamic and constantly changing. What works today, may not work tomorrow. So you much test, test, test, and keep trying.

I was finally able to post 95 ads yesterday, of which only 5 ads contained a hyperlink. Out of the ads that I posted I had a dozen flagged, and 10+ ghosted. Still pretty good compared to most people I think. But not up to the standards I would like to see.

I only received 169 new visitors directly related to my Craigslist posting yesterday. However, I made $11 dollars in Google Adsense revenue and got 20 opt-ins. So even though my visits were cut by 75%, my income and opt-in were only down a little bit.

I didn't really like my ad yesterday either. I had the look and feel of SPAM. It wasn't professional by anyones standard. In fact, I'm amazed at the results I got.

Today is a new day. Of course it's New Years Eve also. I'm not sure how much of an effect these holidays are having on posting Craigslist. I would assume that most people who visit Craigslist are pre-occupied right now with the holiday season and festivities. It will be interesting to see what kind of results I start seeing in January, after the holidays are over.

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